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PNA 系列是是德科技 45 年來深耕網路分析領域的精湛成果,樹立了微波元件測試之效能、速度、精確度、通用性的新標竿。PNA 系列包括下列產品:
• PNA-L 系列 - 專為測試被動元件、放大器和變頻器而設計,可執行 S 參數和簡單的非線性測試
• PNA 系列 – 業界效能最佳的網路分析儀,為被動與主動元件測試提供許多先進量測應用
• PNA-X 系列 - 是德最高階、最靈活的網路分析儀,單機與單一連接就能進行完整的線性與非線性元件特性分析
PNA 系列是是德科技 45 年來深耕網路分析領域的精湛成果,樹立了微波元件測試之效能、速度、精確度、通用性的新標竿。PNA 系列包括下列產品:
• PNA-L 系列 - 專為測試被動元件、放大器和變頻器而設計,可執行 S 參數和簡單的非線性測試
• PNA 系列 – 業界效能最佳的網路分析儀,為被動與主動元件測試提供許多先進量測應用
• PNA-X 系列 - 是德最高階、最靈活的網路分析儀,單機與單一連接就能進行完整的線性與非線性元件特性分析
Kesight N5221A
PNA 微波網路分析儀,13.5 GHz
Keysight PNA 系列是業界效能最佳的微波網路分析儀,專用於被動與主動元件測試。您可選擇五種不同頻率的機型:13.5 (N5221A)、26.5 (N5222A)、43.5 (N5224A)、50 (N5225A) 或 67 GHz (N5227A),並可自訂 PNA 分析儀配置,以提供合適的效能等級,並同時滿足您的預算與量測需求。
Keysight PNA 可用來測試各式各樣的被動與主動元件,例如濾波器、雙工器、放大器與轉頻器。PNA 提供優異的量測效能,非常適合用來對主被動元件進行特性分析,並可有效地量測毫米波、信號完整性,以及各式各樣的材料。
Keysight PNA 系列是業界效能最佳的微波網路分析儀,專用於被動與主動元件測試。您可選擇五種不同頻率的機型:13.5 (N5221A)、26.5 (N5222A)、43.5 (N5224A)、50 (N5225A) 或 67 GHz (N5227A),並可自訂 PNA 分析儀配置,以提供合適的效能等級,並同時滿足您的預算與量測需求。
Keysight PNA 可用來測試各式各樣的被動與主動元件,例如濾波器、雙工器、放大器與轉頻器。PNA 提供優異的量測效能,非常適合用來對主被動元件進行特性分析,並可有效地量測毫米波、信號完整性,以及各式各樣的材料。
Kesight N5222A
PNA Microwave Network Analyzer, 26.5 GHz
Highest performance network analyzer that meets your budget
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
Kesight N5224A
PNA Microwave Network Analyzer, 43.5 GHz
Highest performance network analyzer that meets your budget
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
Kesight N5225A
PNA Microwave Network Analyzer, 50 GHz
Highest performance network analyzer that meets your budget
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
Kesight N5227A
PNA Microwave Network Analyzer, 67 GHz
Highest performance network analyzer that meets your budget
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
The PNA Series is the highest-performing microwave network analyzer in the industry for passive and active device test. You can choose from five frequency models, 13.5 (N5221A), 26.5 (N5222A), 43.5 (N5224A), 50 (N5225A), or 67 GHz (N5227A), and customize your PNA with just the right level of performance to meet your specific budget and measurement needs.
The Keysight PNA is used to test a wide variety of passive and active devices such as filters, duplexers, amplifiers and frequency converters. The high-performance characteristics of the PNA make it an ideal solution for these types of component characterizations as well as millimeter-wave, signal integrity and materials measurements.
Most accurate S-parameter measurements
The PNA Series provides high-power sources and the best linear receivers, giving it the most accurate S-parameter measurements with the widest power range in the market.
Kesight N5231A
PNA-L 微波網路分析儀, 13.5 GHz
Keysight N5231A PNA-L 微波向量網路分析儀(VNA)為設計者及工程師提供最高效能的中範圍 VNA。 PNA-L 提供經濟實惠的準確 S 參數及未來可升級之空間,是業界中性價比最高的微波網路分析儀。 PNA-L 系列係針對放大器與頻率轉換器內之被動元件及簡單的主動元件量測所設計。
Kesight N5232A
PNA-L 微波網路分析儀, 20 GHz
Keysight N5232A PNA-L 微波向量網路分析儀(VNA)為設計者及工程師提供最高效能的中範圍 VNA。PNA-L 提供經濟實惠的準確 S 參數及未來可升級之空間,是業界中性價比最高的微波網路分析儀。 PNA-L 系列係針對放大器與頻率轉換器內之被動元件及簡單的主動元件量測所設計。
Kesight N5234A
PNA-L 微波網路分析儀, 43.5 GHz
Keysight N5234A PNA-L 微波向量網路分析儀(VNA)為設計者及工程師提供最高效能的中範圍 VNA。PNA-L 提供經濟實惠的準確 S 參數及未來可升級之空間,是業界中性價比最高的微波網路分析儀。 PNA-L 系列係針對放大器與頻率轉換器內之被動元件及簡單的主動元件量測所設計。
Kesight N5235A
PNA-L 微波網路分析儀, 50 GHz
Keysight N5235A PNA-L 微波向量網路分析儀(VNA)為設計者及工程師提供最高效能的中範圍 VNA。PNA-L 提供經濟實惠的準確 S 參數及未來可升級之空間,是業界中性價比最高的微波網路分析儀。 PNA-L 系列係針對放大器與頻率轉換器內之被動元件及簡單的主動元件量測所設計。
Kesight N5239A
PNA-L 微波網路分析儀, 8.5 GHz
Keysight N5239A PNA-L 微波向量網路分析儀(VNA)為設計者及工程師提供最高效能的中範圍 VNA。PNA-L 提供經濟實惠的準確 S 參數及未來可升級之空間,是業界中性價比最高的微波網路分析儀。 PNA-L 系列係針對放大器與頻率轉換器內之被動元件及簡單的主動元件量測所設計。